By the numbers:
- 470 miles from Crestview to Ocala to Tampa, Florida– 4745 miles for the trip – time for a service check for Dixie, our car.
- Skipped the blog yesterday after along day driving.
- 2 Museums – Air Force Armament Museum at Eglin Air Force Base yesterday. – The Dali Museum in St Petersburg, Florida today.
Saw another B-17 bomber, as was used by the eighth air force out of England during WW2. How would you like to have as one of your job duties?
Stick your arm out this hole in the nose of you plane to wipe off snow or frost so you can use your bomb site to make sure you drop your bombs over the intended factory. Keep in mind that you would be doing this while flying at 30,000 feet, at 40 degrees below zeor, at 250 to 300 miles per hour, and all this while also being shot at by enemy airplanes and flak guns.
Quite a collection of Dali art here. A collector wanted to donate it to a museum that would promise to keep the collection together and not loan it out to other museums in bits and pieces. The Museum here agreed to those terms so here is the world’s largest collection of Dali art.
He was a prolific artist and I won’t even try to comment on his overall work. One I found interesting was titled: “Gala Comtemlating the Mediterranean which at Twenty Meters Becomes a Portrait of Abraham Lincoln.”
Close up it looks like a typical Dali from that portion of his career when his paintings were jammed full of many apparently unrelated objects.
But from a distance it looks like a portrait.
Also took this picture.
Had some concerns that at a Dali museum there might a larger and confusing array of choices.
In Tampa for a couple more days. Probably no blog tomorrow.